Go to the home pageA general introduction to the ranch, including the location, facilities, and services on offerRead more about the horse riding activities availableRead about staying at the Ranch and participating in the horse riding activitiesRead about our accommodation facilitiesRead about our couples packagesDetailed instructions and maps to find the ranchRead testimonials from past guestsExplanation of our rates & conditions


Your hosts
The O'Connor Family

Tassiriki Ranch
249 Moylans Lane
Empire Vale, South Ballina NSW 2478

8am to 6pm

IMPORTANT NOTE: NSW moves to Daylight Savings Time (DST) on the first weekend in October and returns to normal time on the first weekend of April each year. During DST guests traveling from QLD will need to allow an additional hour for the trip.

PH: +61 (0) 2 6683-4602

Email: sales@tassirikiranch.com.au

NOTE: Due to "spammers" harvesting embedded email addresses from web sites you cannot click on this email link. You will need to type this email address into your normal Email program, alternatively you may choose to use our Online Enquiry form

Make an online enquiry now

Tassiriki Ranch
249 Moylans Lane, Empire Vale via Ballina NSW 2478 Australia
P: 02 6683-4602 E: sales@tassirikiranch.com.au