Equine Influenza Outbreak
On 14th March 2008 the State Departments of Primary Industries in New South Wales and Queensland removed all horse movements restrictions in place since the original outbreak on the 25th August 2007. No new infections have been identified since 21st December 2007. Australia is expected to be declared free of Equine Influenza in July 2008. The only remaining legal requirments for horse owners is to register all horse movements on the DPI web site and to immediately report to the DPI any suspected new cases of Equine Influenza.
What is equine influenza?
Equine influenza (EI) is an acute, highly contagious, viral disease which can cause rapidly spreading outbreaks of respiratory disease in horses and other equine species. EI is exotic to Australia and would have a major impact on the Australian horse industry if it were to become established here. Humans do not get infected with equine influenza. However, humans can physically carry the virus on their skin, hair, clothing and shoes, and can therefore transfer the virus to other horses. It is vital that you shower and wash carefully, wash your hair and put on a completely fresh set of clothes (including shoes) after contact with any horses (including your own horses). The virus can also be physically carried on equipment and vehicles.
How is our business affected?
Our Escorted Beach Trail Rides, Stay & Ride Holidays, and Holidays With Your Own Horse, are now all available.
How are our customers affected?
No special procedures are in place at this time.